Part 01 - Mental Health and Our Priorities in Life


Harriet Tubman once said, “I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

It is my personal opinion that Mental Health or Career is a totally inappropriate comparison. Mental Health and Career can both go hand in hand. We must take a moment to slowdown in our lives and understand that both Mental Health and Career are important to lead a healthy life.

The whole socio-economical system has been designed in such a way that nobody should truly feel happy because happy and satisfied people will lead to a great financial loss for the entire economy. For example, Global Advertisements and Publicity Campaigns for Skin Care products claim that the use of their products will always make you look young and prevent ageing. Launching of new electronic devices and mobile phones almost every three months is probably to make you believe that what you’re currently using is old and remote, and if you don’t upgrade you will be stuck with it, you will become stagnant and will be left out. This is where the tremendously famous concept of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) arouse from. Working hard, making it to the highest point in your career, believing work-life balance is a façade; isn’t this what almost everyone aspires to do? Realistically speaking upgrading or financially growing in your life and becoming the best version of ‘yourself’ is a sign of development but in this process, you must be aware of your emotions and mental stability.

Upgrading or financially growing in your life and becoming the best version of ‘yourself’ is great but in this journey few people become insensitive and ignorant towards themselves and fail to acknowledge their own feelings. If Your extra working hours, Toxic Work environment is affecting your mental health then it may give rise to some serious issues in the future. Most people want to be wealthier than they are; They are constantly in a hustle; Keeping themselves busy persistently. In the pursuit of always looking for something better, bigger; people don’t even notice that are experiencing mental fatigueuntil it is too late. The quench of wanting something eventually becomes greater than the want itself. There is nothing wrong with finding something better but exhausting yourself mentally and physically is unhealthy. We should take a moment in our lives to ask ourselves, ‘Whatever I am chasing right now, is it delusional or am I on the right path? 

Note : Dear readers, I believe that ‘Our opinions’ are always inspired by ‘Other's Opinions’. I do not claim that All the Writings presented in this article are solely mine; Writing is a form of art and like every other art form, inspiration is the godmother of writing. I have been inspired by several Articles, Writers, my Mentors and Teachers. Whenever I ink my thoughts, views or opinions on a piece of paper they are always inspired by legends who have guided my path throughout via their exclusive work, writings and contributions. If I have forgotten to acknowledge any person or entity’s contribution in ensuring the completion of this article, the please do let our team know. Readers, if you feel there are grammatical errors in the article, please reach out to us; our team will be humbled to make the necessary rectifications. I will be more than happy if these writings help someone to reach the equilibrium everyone craves for in life.

:-Rupesh Ra Shukla

Founder - My Counsellor

**Edited and Published by TEAM RUPESH RA SHUKLA
